Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm Better Now...

I'm not angry anymore :)  Here's a HAPPIER post, just in time for the holidays!!
Actually, Christmas was a few days ago.. but I'm still getting this posted before New Years.. so BOO-YA!


The Christmas Edition

Judge me.. I don't care..
DirecTV's Christmas gift to me was a day-long Star Wars marathon on Spike. 
(Technically, it was both Friday and Saturday, butEpisodes 1-3 suck donkey balls and they don't count... please note the above photo references the REAL Star Wars.)
PLUS.. Brian got me the Family Guy version of Return of the Jedi for Christmas.
PLUS.. when we watched the Family Guy version of Return of the Jedi, we also got the special feature showing the writers playing Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.
a) yes.. we spent 45 minutes of our lives we'll never get back watching other people..
on a DVD.. playing Trivial Pursuit.
b) I NEED THIS GAME... Megan and I, versus Scott and Brian. 
We would destroy them like the Empire destroyed Alderaan.
c) Judge me.. I don't care..

Another awesome gift from my awesome husband: some new Mary Kay facial products!!  I LOVE Mary Kay skin stuff--ever since Jenni was a Mary Kay girl when we lived together, I've been hooked.  This stuff makes your skin look and feel soooo soft... I mean, look at the girl in the picture!?! Look how happy she is!!
ok, she's probably getting paid 15 G's to smile in this picture.. which makes me sick.. but HEY!
So I'm excited to kick back in a hot bath with a good book and make myself pretty :)

OK, I'm starting to get worried how many pictures of gorgeous women I'm posting on this blog...
but again, LOOK HOW HAPPY SHE IS!! It's because she's wearing Victoria's Secret pajama pants.  They are ridiculous expensive, so I never buy them for myself, but my mom got me another pair for Christmas.  If I could live in them, I WOULD.  And I pretty much do at home.
If you are coming to visit me in the hospital after Easton's arrival, you'll probably see these pants.


I came down with malaria, a bad cold about two weeks ago.. and I don't know if my nerve sensors shifted their pain focus or what, but my leg has improved TREMENDOUSLY in the last few weeks.  The pain is still there, but I'm not chain-icing, I'm not having trouble sleeping, and I'm not limping as much. 

An INCREDIBLE husband whom I love more than anything,
a sweet dog who makes us laugh..

and an amazing gift from God who we'll meet in just a few weeks!
I love you all, and hope to see you soon!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Hate List

Every Friday (I think?) two of my favorite local sports talk personalities have a segment on their program, in which listeners are allowed to call and email in to just B***H about things they hate.  I'm stealing their idea.. as I've just spent the last 4+ hours.. on a Saturday.. the Saturday before Christmas.. Christmas shopping.. while being 8 months pregnant.. with a gimpy leg.  Yes, I'd like a little cheese with my whine :)

Whenever possible.. I think it's awesome to shop at locally owned stores.  They are the small business owners that are part of our community, the money stays here, etc etc etc.  So I ventured to this awesome Christmas store in the Old Market to find some great gifts.  I did.. and I also found MANY a driver, who
a) didn't know where they where going so they drove 3 mph...
b) THOUGHT they knew where they were going, but unfortunately didn't fill anyone else in by using a FREAKING TURN SIGNAL..
c) was just flat out confused and turned the wrong way on a one-way street.. right as another car was coming at them.

Do not.. I repeat.. DO NOT let your children have caffeine, sugar, or any medically prescribed upper before taking them to Target during Christmas season.  They may be fine at home.. but combined with a few sparkly red and green displays.. toy aisles.. and throngs of other Yule-Hyper-Kiddos.. they become PSYCHOTIC.  Unfortunately, Target was my nephew/cousin's kids shopping spot.. I had to visit the toy aisles.. and I almost drilled Barbie Fairy wands and/or action figure swords into my ear drums to stop the shrill ringing in my ears.  No, I am not a parent yet.. I will need many a lesson how to handle a child--not a baby or a toddler, a CHILD--who SCREAMS..NONSTOP.. for this, that, that other thing.. EVERYTHING... maddening.

The Hyper-Brats-Kiddos must have heard on the loud speaker or something, 'she's going to Babies R Us next, folks!'  Because sure enough... there they were.. except this time, they were two girls, easily 8 or 9... FREAKING GOING BERZERK inside the store.  Climbing on the riding horse in the entryway, running and shreaking through the store like banshees, knocking clothes off racks, etc.  WHERE WERE THEIR PARENTS?!? No clue... but they were seriously OUT OF FREAKING CONTROL.

I don't even think I need to write anything here. 

4 hours later.. I am sitting on my couch, watching Harry Potter, eating a cheese pizza.  My treat to myself for surviving.  And I just went back for 2 more pieces.. after reliving the experience here :)  Did I mention for the first time, EVER, I had to sit down on a mall bench to catch my breath?  YOWSA.  But our Christmas shopping is DONE.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a I'M NEVER SHOPPING AGAIN.
Except maybe for cute baby stuff :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Now Entering the THIRD TRIMESTER!



Only 12 weeks to go!!  It is absolutely CRAZY to me that we have been pregnant for 7 months.  7 MONTHS, PEOPLE!?!  My pregnancy has been great... except for one thing...

No heartburn.. no vomitting in the first trimester.. my hair looks AWESOME thanks to hormones and pre-natal vitamins.. and I love feeling Easton kicking and punching away.  But about 2+ weeks ago... all of the sudden out of nowhere, my right leg started PULSATING with pain.  Prior to that, it had been numb and tingly for about 3 weeks.. and while it was annoying, it wasn't PAINFUL for the most part.

THIS SUCKS.  It sucks worse than cleaning bathrooms, without gloves, when you live with two younger teenage brothers who don't care about hygiene or clean toilets.  Take that and multiply it times a gagillion.

Drama Queen?  Anyone?  Anyone??

So yeah.. my leg hurts.  ALL THE TIME.. it never stops.  Add to that acute, lighting bolt pangs of pain that seemingly hit right above my kneecap or within my outer quad whenever they feel like it.  I've literally sat up in bed gritting my teeth at night.. I've done laps around the newsplex to keep myself from crying.. I've yelled inside my car to pass the minutes until I was home on my couch with an ice pad.

I've talked to my doctor.
I've been to a chiropractor.
I've been to a massage therapist.
I've tried stretches.
I've tried heat and cold.
I've eaten bananas and drank lots of water.
I've tried extra "hurt no more" vitamins, athletic tape, even a special electromagnetic thing-a-majig device I stuck to my leg at night.


Finally.. I think I've got a diagnosis: MERALGIA PARESTHETICA.  Basically, whereas about 90% of pregos with leg pain suffer from issues with their sciatic nerve in their spine.. my issues are stemming from the femoral nerve in my groin, up front. AND THERE'S NO WAY TO FIX IT, except to pop out a baby :)  That's just where Easton wants to sit.. and God willing, he'll only get bigger, not smaller.

My favorite part.. is that everything I look up about this puts preggos in the same 'common causes' category as 'obesity and/or weight gain.'

Super Duper.

So I've pretty much accepted the fact my new 'condition' will be around until Easton is born.  I'm starting to get a little more used to the pain and I travel with ginormous gel-ice-packs wherever I go.  I'm sure I look super sexy waddle-limping at work.  Guess what--I don't care :)  I'm done with speaking engagements until after I get back from maternity leave, and as long as our relatives have a place for me to sit down over the holidays, I'll just grin my way through it.

Bottom line, I know in 3 short months, this will all be a distant memory.. and SOOO WORTH IT.  And just so I'm sure of that, God's given me two little reminders:  I dreamed about our sweet little baby last night--the first time I woke up and could clearly remember every detail... and my friend Molly's latest blog post talks about even after a MUCH more difficult pregnancy and some trying moments with her adorable little boy, Jack, how much she wants Baby #2.

Awesome :)  But if any of you have advice.. I'd gladly take it :)


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Because I Need To Be STUPID Excited

Every month, my friend Megs posts a special edition of her blog called "Little Things That Make Me Stupid Excited."  I should mention here Megan has 514 followers reading Twinsomnia.

People, 514 followers.  As in Megs could quit her job, write books about babies and motherhood, and really clean up.  She kicks ass.

I am in DIRE need of little things that cheer me up.. it's been that kind of week.  So I am shamelessly stealing her button and making my own list.  In my defense, Megan encourages this every week.. she even created a button that you can take and include on your own page!

514 followers.  Me = in awe.


Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte
KICKS ASS.  If money was no object, I'd get one every, single morning.  And afternoon. 
Our son would be born asking for a pick-me up.


The Biggest Loser
LOVE this show.  So inspiring.  Not to mention I'm a reality TV junkie.  It's definitely something I look forward to every week.. especially since I've broken up with Project Runway.
Gretchen sucks.  Mondo rules.


Jenny McCarthy
Former Playmate, very loud, not exactly the role model you'd expect. 
But this week, I felt SOOOOO hideous.  I caught some glimpses of myself in video during a story and almost cried... I AM HUGE.  GINORMOUS.  Yes, I'll say the f* word... I AM FAT.
So I decided to break out a book my ladies Melissa and Jenni SWEAR BY, 'Belly Laughs' by Jenny McCarthy, in which she VERY CANDIDLY talks about her pregnancy and everything that came with it.  Not to compare (because it truly is comparing the planets to gravel..) but she talks a lot about being self conscious throughout her pregnancy because she is in the public eye.. preach on, sister!! Preach on!! Because I feel like all of our viewers are at home, watching, saying "wow.. Brandi's really let herself go..."
So this week, I cracked open her book.  To read "I was a size 12 the first time I went shopping for new clothes".. and to read "by 7 months I had gained about 35 pounds"...
INSTANT RELIEF.  I'm at 6 1/2 months and I've gained about 25 pounds. If supermodel Jenny McCarthy, stunningly gorgeous Jenny McCarthy, gained that much weight during her pregnancy, then maybe I'm ok afer all.  Granted, this fat ass is getting a personal trainer after Easton is born. 


Easton Kicking
My sweet little man is absolutely kicking and punching up a storm lately.. and I absolutely LOVE IT. 
I love putting my hand on my belly and feeling him go to town.  Sometimes I wonder if this is his way of talking to me:  "Momma!  I need love!"  And since I can't hold him yet.. I just rub my fingers along my belly to let him know I love him and I'm here!  Now, if we can just time it out so when I put his Daddy's hand on my belly so HE can feel his little boy... Easton KEEPS kicking.  So far, no dice :)

Ok.. so I only have 4 things.  But I can't top my baby kicking.
So, for now, I bid you adieu :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

What To Wear When You're A Planet

So I've finally conquered the "running out of clothes that don't cut off my circulation" problem.  I finally 'womaned' up and forked out the dough for a few pairs of maternity pants.  2 pairs of black pants complete with kangaroo pouch for work, and a pair of maternity jeans.

By the way, I Heart the consignment section at Belly Bumps.  Definitely beats the three figure price tag on most of the other options I looked at.

So I thought I was doing better.. until this week... when I looked at my calendar and realized I'm emceeing three fancy pants events coming up--fancy pants, minus the pants.


So I forked over more dough and found a nice little black cocktail dress complete with extra fabric in the online maternity section of Nordstrom.  Perfect... until this week, when I had a working-planning lunch regarding one of the events.  Fancy pants X $250 a plate dinner = BLACK TIE EVENT = LONG GOWN.

So much for my little black extra fabric dress.

I tried on one of my Miss Nebraska dresses for my seamstress mom to see if there was any hope in resurrecting it for post-pageant/pre-Momma me.  Did I mention pageant-Brandi was a size 2?  I'd like to Nancy Kerrigan her right about now.. ('Why me?!?! Why?!?!?!?!!!!')  Suffice it to say, there's no chance in hell we can alter it.

So I spent my Friday night researching some options.. and I need help.  VOTES, PLEASE!




Thank you for voting. :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Random... Like My Brain Right Now

I'm jumping from thought.. to story.. to feeling.. to wish.. to worry.. back to thought.  If you proceed reading this post.. proceed with caution!!

  We cut ties with our first realtor, and signed with a new.  The same girl Jenni used to sell her house and sold it 'lightning fast'.  Day one on the market--2 showings.  One is 'very interested'.  Keep your fingers crossed for us.. WE WANT THAT HOUSE SOLD!! It's been almost 5 months.. enough!

  I have not yet gone maternity shopping, so everyday is a "What To Wear" challenge.  This week, I have one pair of pants that still fit--barely--and they are at the cleaners.  That leaves me with one maternity skirt Melissa loaned me, and two other skirts that I can hike up high enough that they still fit.. and are long enough I don't look like a hooker.  Thank goodness this is a short work week for me, or I'd be in trouble.

  We (everyone at KETV) are knee-deep in election coverage right now.  I love politics.. but after logging interview.. after interview.. after interview.. my brain is MUSH.  EconomyillegalimmigrationsocialsecuritywhyIwantyourvotemwwwwwaaaaahhhhhh.
It's very important for us to produce these stories for our viewers.  But I don't have much left in the noggin' at this point.

  I just spent 15 minutes arguing with an irate caller, convinced that we had not aired ANYTHING about a man who duct taped his girlfriend's baby to a wall.. and how appalled she was that she had to find out about it on Nancy Grace.  News flash--we've shown the photos 8 times just since Saturday (I counted), and we've covered the case consistently from the beginning.  She's never seen it.. therefore I'm lying.
  I also received my third letter/email from 'fans' in the last week.  Today's was from England.  Last week's was from a man who told me, "I can't smoke.  Do you smoke? You should come visit me."  Before that, a facebook photo a viewer 'created', superimposing my picture over the ocean.

  I'm making my debut in Canada this week (woohoo!) for my good friends' wedding.  Dilemma: what to wear? We've already covered my clothing crisis.  Carrie--can I wear Brian's sweat pants to your Niagara Falls wedding?

  Why should anything else matter when I have this to look at all day?  :)  Our little boy will make HIS debut in just four short months!!  And WE CAN'T WAIT!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Halfway There!

Yes, you read that right.  This week marks the halfway point through our pregnancy!!!

We are so excited--getting more and more pumped as every day passes.  I honestly don't know how I'll make it through waiting 5 more months.. not that I have much say in the matter :)

THIS WEEK we find out if Baby Paul is a boy or girl!!!  WE ARE THRILLED!! Brian and I have both had SUPER stressful work weeks lately and this is such a shining light we are looking forward to :)

I am completely STUMPED as to what we are having... a few times people have asked me "what is your 'motherly instinct' telling you?  AND I HAVE NO IDEA!!  Sometimes I think GIRL.. because I'm totally breaking out like a junior high band kid, ADORE sugar and ice cream, and maybe.. just a bit of wishful thinking to go overboard on frilly dresses and cute clothes.  BUT.. I'm carrying STRAIGHT OUT.. looking at me from the front you don't even see I'm pregnant.. and according to the Chinese Baby Chart thing it'll be a boy.  PLUS, my mom changed her vote to a boy.. based on 'how I'm carrying'... that folklore business is serious stuff, folks :)  Plus.. I always wanted a big brother.. Brian would have a buddy to watch football and baseball... etc.

Either way we'll be ecstatic.  We just pray Baby is healthy and happy.

In the meantime, I've started pouring over "What to Expect In The First Year".. and I've had a few moments (including last night) I've actually had to put the book down and walk away because I got TOO EXCITED!!!  I have no patience.  I make Brian open his gifts days before holidays... I can't help but giving clues to people when I have a surprise for them.. I'M RIDICULOUS.  This is no different.

So there you have it!! 4 MORE DAYS and we get to see Baby Paul's sweet little face!!


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Stealing From Molly

And proud of it :)

BRANDI'S 10 on Tuesday

1. What’s the one thing you always do when you’re stressed?
Listen to my I-Pod.. when I can. Or nerd out with crossword puzzles or computer games.

2. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done for a friend?
Helped a bride use the bathroom in her dress.  I just had to explain to a male friend at a wedding last weekend WHY bridesmaids need to assist in this endeavor.

3. What cleaning supply could you not live without?
Laundry detergent.  I HATE the smell of B.O. and REFUSE to wear clothes, febreezed or not, if there is even a trace of it.

4. How long do you plan on living where you currently reside?
FOREVER.  Because selling a house is a NIGHTMARE. However, Brian and I do have a little dream of retiring in a condo in San Diego someday.

5. Do you usually vote straight party, a mixture, or not at all?
As a journalist, I am NOT sharing my vote on this question :)

6. What’s something that you love to do, but seem to never make time for?
Scrapbooking.  Playing sports.  Karaoke.  Baking for my husband.  What can I say.. being pregnant has not helped my lazy-ass tendencies.

7. What’s your favorite store to buy things for other people?
Target. Molly is GENIUS.

8. What’s the weather like around you today?
Gloomy.  Humid.  Icky.

9. What’s the worst book you’ve ever bought and read?
Recently, the Golden Compass.  SO disappointed.

10. What’s the closest thing to you that is yellow?
Adrian's Fatburger certificate for completing the Triple King Challenge.  Gross.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Shopping Spree

Brian has banned me from buying anymore baby clothes until we know if we are having a boy or a girl.

I've banned either of us from buying ANYTHING unnecessary until we get our taxes and plates paid on both of our new cars.

So why was I even TEMPTING myself today by browsing these baby onesies online?


it says ONE DOLLAR, BOB!  It's a Price Is Right inside joke...




But damn, our kid will be cute.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Don't Mind Me!

Over my dinner break, I was sitting on the couch watching a few minutes of TV before heading back to the station.  Mack, my trusty side kick, was sitting right next to me on the floor.


Mack's head swiveled around so he could look at the source of the sound...
his own behind.
About 3 minutes later...


No head turn this time.. no shame, no embarassment, no acknowledgement.
As I got up to leave...


Same source.. different end. 
I got back to work, checked my cell phone, and had a message from Brian reading,
"You're right..Mack is constantly farting..Good God!"

I don't know what he ate today.. but hey, at least we know he's not afraid to be himself at home.

Friday, August 27, 2010

I Knew Babies Were Expensive.. BUT...

I don't think any book can prepare you for how many things change when you are preparing to have a baby.  Your home, your surroundings, your clothes, what you eat, your lifestyle.. AND YOUR CAR. 
In our case.. your CARS... plural.

"Brian?? I really want a baby."
9 seconds later
"Brian? I really want a Coupe."

I think I'm a pretty smart girl.  So WHY, OH WHY didn't I think to myself, 'hey, a 2-door vehicle probably won't work when we need to wiggle a carseat in and out of the back.. day in and day out."

Nope..I just thought pretty white coupe.

So in all likelihood, I'll be trading in my coupe and my 2+years left of my lease negative equity, for this bad boy

Nissan Altima Sedan

It's not all bad.  I REALLY miss my Altima Coupe.. and I love my bestie Dani's Altima Sedan.
My payments'll stay about the same.. other than the processing fees and taxes you have to pay getting into a new car.  Stupid government.

So just as I was accepting this fact.. and preparing to make the financial/automotive switch.. The Lord of the Jeeps decided to poop on us.  Brian's Wrangler needs needed new tires, new internal-ma-bobs, etc (clearly, I know a lot about cars.)  So today, another switch.

2011 Jeep Cherokee Laredo

Ladies and gentleman (who am I fooling.. LADIES..) I present to you Brian's new ride.  My husband is a stallion and finagled his way down to a payment that's only slightly more than what we were paying for his Wrangler.  But AGAIN.. stupid taxes to get into a new car.  REALLY stupid taxes in Nebraska to get into a new car.  We thought about just fixing up his Wrangler, but when Baby is born, I'll be the drop-off-at-Grandma's parent.. and he'll be the pick-up-from-Grandma's parent.  So again.. there wasn't really any way we were going to cart around Baby Paul in a Jeep with the doors off and the top down.  As much as I'm sure he/she would enjoy it.

SOOOO, here we are.  When I break it down.. I know we can handle it.  And I know we HAD to do it for Baby's sake.  We are successful individuals who manage our money responsibly. 

2 cars in 2 days... Momma needs a cocktail.  And since that's not an option.. Momma bought Pop-Tarts.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh, Mack...

"Momma.. don't go to work! Stay home and play with me!"

Sometimes Often, I feel the need to remind my dog that he is in fact, a DOG.
Nevermind that my recent nickname for him is Monkey, which Brian says confuses him.
I digress.. lately, Mack's adventures have been pretty comical, and at least one of them, NOT dog-like.

Mack V. The Treadmill
We 'borrowed' my parents treadmill and moved it to our house, in the hopes that I will use it to get back in shape at home post-delivery while Baby Paul is sleeping and such.  Right now, it's parked in our office/Mack's room right off the living room.  When we Brian and my Dad first moved the thing in, Mack sniffed the hell out of it and examined every inch of it.

"What's this?!? A new toy? Something to lie on? A new bed? Whatisitwhatisitwhatisit?!?"

That night, when I turned it on and used it for the first time at our place.. Mack FREAKED.

"Holycrapwhatisthat?!?! Get closer.. get closer..NO!! TOO CLOSE!!! Must watch it, can't take eyes off it... maybe from behind.. yeah, I'll sneak up on it from the hallway..yeah.. NOOO!! TOO CLOSE!!"

Hopefully, that paints a picture.  Though he appears to be terrified of it--the noise, the rhythm, whatever--he cannot take his eyes off it while I'm using it.  He just paces in front of it, or lowers down on his front legs to 'attack' mode, or comes into the office from the hallway and smells it as I'm running.

Funny at first, but when my routine hits running sprints, I'm gasping "OUT.... MACK...NOW" in between breaths.  No longer funny.

Ok, it is still kinda funny :)

Mack V. The Fence
One of the things we were SOOOO looking forward to when we moved, was that we were going to immediately build a fence.  Mack is a big boy, and he doesn't get nearly enough exercise.  We were JAZZED at the thought of just opening the door and letting him frolic with nature without one of us being dragged around behind him on a leash.

It timed out PERFECTLY that the first weekend the fence was up,
was also the weekend we hosted Brian's family for our nephew Jace's 5th birthday. 
Or so we thought... 

"Ohmygoshwho'sthat? Who'sthis?Theysmellnew, mustsmellmore, mustjumpandlick..whoareyou??OhmygoshOhmygoshOhmygosh!!!!!"

Lots of people + large dog who turns PSYCHOTIC when new people are around

So we put Mack outside.

He didn't like that.
First, he tried to claw his way back inside and ripped apart our back screen door. Then, the second we let him back inside, he escaped out the front door as more people showed up and SPRINTED up the street, zigzagging through various new neighbors front yards and backyards, before getting into a "smelling confrontation" with the black lab across the street.

We didn't like that.  So we put him BACK outside.
Now, every time we try to let Mack out, even to do his business, he RUNS in fear with his ears down and tail between his legs, and hides under our dining room table.  We have to literally drag him by his collar to the back door, and even after we shut it, he stands on the deck and watches to make sure we stay there before he turns to head down the deck.

Negative reinforcement, anyone?

Mack V. Momma's Sense of Discipline
Despite all of this, I'm definitely the softy of Mack's parents.  Brian may be his Daddy that he cowers to if Brian even LOOKS at him wrong.. but he lays by me in the living room and follows me around.

Probably because he knows I'll always rub his belly and give him a treat when his Daddy's not looking.

This morning, after a really tough workout (this Momma's OUT-O-SHAPE!!) I basically collapsed on the floor just to breathe without movement for a few seconds.  Mack walked up (treadmill was turned off by this point.. once the evil-enemy-machine was asleep, Mack returned to normal), he plopped down next to me, and just laid there. 

For a few seconds.. just peace.

"It's OK, Momma.  I'll help.  Belly rub?"

He may be crazy, but he's our boy :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You Know You're Pregnant When...

Everything became clear tonight as I was driving back to work.
Sundae cones.. better known as "Drumsticks" to many.. are GENIUS.
Seriously, the person who came up with this should be given a Nobel Prize.
A snack that combines salty (peanuts) with sweet (the ice cream) and leaves you with savory (the crunchy cocoa-laden cone), in which you eat every component and therefore have no mess. 
No spoon, no cup, no fuss.  AND DELISH!

You know you're pregnant when you're blogging about ice cream....
pretty sure this is a cry for help.
Or a reason to stop at Bakers for more on my way home tonight :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We're Goin' To Kansas City!

... actually, we WENT to Kansas City. 

Brian and I have a new plan.  Every year on our anniversary, we're going to visit a new major league ballpark to watch a game. On our honeymoon, we went to Anaheim to watch the Angels play.. and this year, Brian wanted to go to KC.  I figured--hey, let's make a yearly plan out of this! And it works for both of us!  Brian gets to see MLB games at a new park every year--new teams, new players, etc... and I get to see and travel a new city every year!  Win-Win!

This year, we visited good 'ol KC.  Brian's kind of a big deal and has 'connections'...
so we got great tickets and a great deal on our hotel.

We pulled into town a little later than expected... but still had time to dump our stuff, change, and head to a fancy-pants dinner at the Skies in KC... a fancy-pants restaurant that TURNS on top of a Plaza hotel, so you can see the whole city while you eat.

PRO:  The scenery was INCREDIBLE.. especially since we were in the middle of a thunderstorm and got to watch lightning decorate KC from 40 stories up.
CON: Not asking how much "the special" was before we both ordered it.. then getting a heart stopping bill at the end of the bill.  It's not a good sign if both you and your husband keep repeating "it's a special occasion.. it's our anniversary.."

We decided to tour the Plaza.  Neither of us are big shoppers (especially after our car-payment dinner the night before) but it was fun walking around to all of the shops.. and laughing at how much people are willing to pay for clothes and accessories.  $1595 for a jacket?  HA!  $195 for sunglasses?? HA!  We splurged on cinnamon popcorn and Cold Stone Creamery.  We're REBELS!

After a quick nap at the hotel, we met up with our good friends Justin and Meredith.. also in KC for the game for Justin's b-day because he's a huge Yankees fan.  No one's perfect. 
Good times.. good drinks (for everyone but me..) then we were off to the game!  KC versus NYY! 

One of the perks of Brian's awesome ticket deal... he also got an awesome parking pass!  I particularly enjoyed Brian and Justin's friend Andrew, driving past all of the people WALKING to the stadium, saying "have fun walking, POORIES!!"

Hahaha.. poories... :)

PRO: Our seats were FREAKING AWESOME... first row, right behind the Royals dugout.  I'm telling all of you.. if you only visit 1 MLB game a year.. splurge on great tickets.. the game is so much faster, crisper.. you really get a feel for how AMAZING these players are!! 
And boy, do I love men in uniform :)

Derek Jeter on first base.. yes.. this is how close our seats were

CON:  Being a pregnant woman.. in 95 degree humid heat..
and paying $7.50 for a freaking bottle of water!!!!  BEER was only $7!!!!

So we are now back from Kansas City.  Great trip, great husband.. I'm a pretty happy girl.

We're already planning on forcing our friends Scott and Megan to go with us. :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Love Is In The Air...

And because it's so darn hot and humid.. it's just HANGING in the air.. that should be a good thing, right?

It's hot.  How hot is it? Head over to my friend Megan's blog for a spot-on breakdown:

I DIGRESS.. love is in the air... because my handsome hubby and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary.  Readers, I am probably the luckiest girl in the world.  This is what I got for breakfast:

Heart shaped french toast.
He handed me my plate and said "and I'll eat the scraps!"

He's the absolute best--and hey, as long as the love is just hanging in the air.. might as well soak it all in.

Happy Anniversary, handsome!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Bumbles and Baubles

It's no secret I'm a clutz.

For those of you who didn't know me in high school.. I tripped down the stairs, walking off stage at homecoming coronation.  Hopefully no one noticed.

Years later, I also nearly fell on my skirted arse while walking to center ice at a Lancers hockey game to perform the national anthem.  Many people noticed.

So last Thursday, I really shouldn't have been surprised when walking off set after our 5pm newscast, my stiletto heel caught inside the cuff of my pant on the opposite leg, and I proceeded to go tumbling down the two stairs that make up our set, did some kind of stop-drop-and-roll move in the process.. and landed on my arm/side/butt/back.

I'm gifted, people, I'm telling you.

Most of my coworkers and all of my bosses know about the baby.. so needless to say everyone came RUNNING to make sure I was ok.  Physically, I was fine.  My  pride was another story.  Thank God we don't have web cams anymore (Carrie, I know you were thinking/wishing it :)

So alls OK.. right?  Everyone had a good laugh and we're moving on...
 Until two days later, I was walking through the mall and under the neon/super bright mall lights I noticed that I had knocked loose one of the tiny diamonds that makes up my wedding band.  The big sucker was fine THANK THE LORD.. but I about PUKED thinking I had lost ANY of the diamonds making up the ring that is soooo precious to me.

No worries.. the fine folks at Borsheims assured me it was a quick fix.. for the low, low price of $18!! 
AND they are rushing it for me so I can have it back in time for our first anniversary this weekend. 
People, I heart Borsheims.

In the meantime.. I'm sporting this little beauty from Claire's.

I feel NAKED without my ring.. and the last time I came to work without it, I got emails from little old ladies, telling me how they recently lost their husbands of 50+ years.. and WHY WASN'T I WEARING MY WEDDING RING!?!?   So I tried substituting my class ring for it instead.. and then Brian made fun of me, I had flashbacks about falling off the stage at homecoming coronation.. it all came TUMBLING back..

Claire's it is.

Let's hope Baby Paul gets Brian's moves and not his/her momma's.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting To Know Your Friends

Or in this case... just me....

1. What time did you get up this morning?   11:30... I blame the kid...

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds.. I think of pearls and I think of my husband and his best friend making inappropriate jokes...
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?  Inception, with my man, Meg and Scott!
4. What is your favorite TV show?  Right now, Top Chef.. overall, Big Love

5. What do you usually have for breakfast?  Cereal

6. What is your middle name?  Leigh

7. What food do you dislike?  Right now, chicken.. I know, what's wrong with me?? And I don't really like the texture of pineapple..

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment?  I don't have the entire Lady Antebellum CD, but I've bought a bunch of their stuff off I-Tunes and love it!

9. What kind of car do you drive?   09 Honda Accord Couple.. TOTALLY miss my 08 Altima Coupe :(

10. Favorite sandwich?   Jimmy Johns Pepe (Ham and Cheese)

11. What characteristic do you despise?  Always being the victim

12. Favorite item of clothing?  Running shorts with stretchy tie waste bands.. brilliant.. and in the winter, Brian's sweat pants.

13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?   Bahamas.  Right now.

14. Favorite brand of clothing?  I haven't been shopping in sooooo long... I don't even know... I really like Maggy London dresses

15. Where would you retire to? San Diego with my hubby

16. Favorite birthday?  Every year.. I LOVE my birthday.. and I think this one will rock, since it's my 30th and our due date is ONE DAY AFTER...

17. Favorite sport to watch?  Husker Football or College Baseball

18. Furthest place you are sending this? Techincally, Siberia.. since it's a blog and anyone can read it.. so if you are there and checking this out, Svgorban!.. or however you say hello in your language...

19. Person you expect to send it back first?   I hope Meg comments.. since I think she's my only reader..

20. When is your birthday? February 20

21. Are you a morning person or a night person?  NIGHT.. I'm grumpy in the morning..

22. What is your shoe size?   6 or 6 1/2
23. Pets? German Shephard/Rottweiler adoptee named Mack

24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us?  Baby Paul, coming to a city near you, February 2011

25. What did you want to be when you were little?  A singer.. someone famous

26. How are you today?   Goofy

27. What is your favorite candy.. I was gonna say Hot Tamales.. but then Dani reminded me of peanut butter m&ms.. mmmmmm...

28. What is your favorite flower?  love Gerber Daises.. love roses.. love mixes of flowers..

29. What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to?   August 8th, our first anniversary... then August 13th.. we are taking a romantic vacay FOR our anniversary!

30. What's your full name? Brandi Leigh Petersen Paul

31. What are you listening to right now? myself, clacking away on the computer keys

32. What was the last thing you ate?  chicken fried rice

33. Do you wish on stars?  No.. sounds great though!

34. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?  Traditional Blue
35. What is the temperature right now?  Inside, about 68 degrees?

36. The first person you spoke to on the phone.  Ever? Probably my dad? I don't know...

37.. Favorite soft drink?  Right now I am OBSESSED with straight up traditional Coke.. I know I should drink Diet, but it's just fantastic..

38. Favorite restaurant?  Kobe Steakhouse... mmmm....

39. Real hair color?  Dirty Blonde.  Insert joke here.

40. What was your favorite toy as a child?  A My Child doll

41. Summer or winter?  Summer.. although I'd probably enjoy it a lot more with a better body..

42. Hugs or kisses?  Kisses :)

43.Chocolate or Vanilla?  Twist!

44. Coffee or tea?  Coffee with coffeemate

45. Do you want your friends to answer back to this? Post away, my friends!

46. When was the last time you cried?  Last week at home, sick with a migraine

47. What is under your bed?  Dust

48. What did you do last night? Read a book, watched Teen Mom.. an hour of my life I'll never get back.

49. What are you afraid of?  Losing those I love most

50. Salty or sweet?  Sweet.. like taffee... mmmm.. taffee...

51. How many keys on your key ring?  2

52. How many years at your current job?  7

53. Favorite day of the week? Friday and Saturday

54. How many towns have you lived in? Cherokee, IA.. Omaha.. LV.. Papio.. Lincoln.. 5?

55. Do you make friends easily? Good friends? Nope.  They are few, and cherished.

56. How many people will you send this to?  I have one blog follower... ouch.

57. How many will respond?  Didn't I already answer this?  One!! Rub it in!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Last night, I had a thought that made me smile, and giggle,
and have really happy thoughts.

Ever heard of Mutton Bustin'??  Watch the video below...

IT. IS. AWESOME.  Kids, holding onto sheep for dear life for as long as they can...
kinda like the kid version of bull riding.

And it will take place at the Sarpy County Fair in a few short days. 

Unfortunately, we don't have any kids (yet). 
So I started thinking of who else DOES have kids that would be awesome little Mutton Busters.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Jace and Ashley.


This is my new mission. 
Megan, I apologize for getting your child involved in my fiendish schemes :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Woman Vs. Food

I've never seen the Man Vs. Food show, but I always see promos for it while I'm watching Iron Chef America (time well spent, I know...)

Well, I'm spinning off of that... and have slugged my own journey WOMAN vs. FOOD.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I felt like I went from fine to FAMISHED in mere moments.  I was just really hungry.  That, I thought was FAMISHED.

I wish I could meet up with the me from a few weeks ago and punch her in the face.

Now, I go from absolutey fine, to SO HUNGRY I feel like I'm going to pass out and barf all at once.. in moments.  I eat.. but I find myself full after just a few bites.. then sure enough, after an hour or two... I MUST EAT AGAIN... AT THAT EXACT MOMENT!!!!

This phenomenon has led to the following:
1) A Burger King run last night just 45 minutes before our 10 pm newscast
2) an endless supply of crackers and different cracker varieties in my desk drawer (refer back to the beginning of this post... if the Iron Chef Master revealed the secret ingredient and said "CRACKERS!!!"  the display you'd see would greatly resemble what is in my desk)
3) "Hi, Brian.... I feel great!!"  10 minutes later  "Ugggghhhh.. need to lay down..... uuuggggh..."

Yeeeeaaaaahhh... August 5th marks 12 weeks... and hopefully the end of my food fight.  It'll all be worth it, though... I'm starting to have dreams about the baby :) And I like it!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Return of the Jedi

I wish I was a Jedi.. then I'd be in shape.. and have a light saber.  Wait, I have one of those, thanks to my friend and 10pm producer Andrew.  It makes noise and lights up.  I rule.

I digress... I'M BAAAAA-AAACK.. inspired by the beautiful Dani Demers to restart this bad boy blog, as Team BP will be embarking on many new adventures in the next few months :)

But for today... I'm stealing John and Molly Campbell's blog topic and making it my own.  Enjoy! And welcome back!

For each of the following 10 categories tell me the product you use and why.
1.  Cell phone:  Verizon, I've never had a problem getting reception anywhere.
2.  Email:  Hotmail and Hearst, Hotmail because it scared me the least when it was time to move away from AOL, and Hearst because work provides it
3.  Toothpaste:  Whatever Brian buys :) Although I kinda want to try the new Crest Whitening one that allegedly works WONDERS in 2 weeks.. even if you eat blueberry pie and drink wine like the model does
4.  Car:  Honda Accord Coupe, best deal for me at the time my last lease expired... although I miss my Nissan Altima Couple dearly
5.  Writing Utensil:  Pens.  Blue.  Pretty.
6.  Lotion:  Whatever's on sale and strikes my fancy at Target.
7.  Interior Paint:  Behr, by Home Depot.
8.  Soda/Drink:  Icees.  Mixed Cherry and Coke.
9.  Laundry Detergent:  Gain.  Brian's allergic to Tide, and I'm allergic to ALL (as in A-L-L.. not every kind of detergent).
10.  Medicine:  What a weird question... gummy vitamins?


Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Will Sell This House Today!

Our house is for sale.

Our NEW house is purchased.. three weeks from tomorrow until we close.

Needless to say, I'd prefer not to have two mortgages to pay for.

So, I woke up Friday morning on a mission.  I was Annette Benning in 'American Beauty', taking off her heels and suit jacket and cleaning the house she's trying to sell in a frenzy, repeating to herself: "I will sell this house today!  I will sell this house today!"

I put out Open House signs and SCRUBBED, WASHED, LAUNDERED, DUSTED, MOPPED our house from top to bottom.  Our house has never looked better.  I put on nice clothes rather than my usual no make-up/sweats motiff, sat in my living room with my laptop and waited.  Hell, I even put a crystal candy dish full of mints on the island next to our flyers.

Friday night, only one lady stopped by.  I chalked it up to "most people look on the weekends.. tomorrow will be better."

Saturday... NOT ONE PERSON CAME.  NOT ONE.  I sat on my behind waiting ALL FREAKING DAY.  My wedding photos are organized.  My scrapbook items are sorted and labelled.  Our sub-basement and storage areas are clean.  And I have played so much Mario Kart, I now have my own Mii to race.. it takes a lot of races to unlock that feature, folks.

By the time Brian got home from his marathon Berkshire-weekend, I was on the verge of tears.
a)  I wasted a GORGEOUS day I could have been running or gardening or tanning on the deck.. sitting inside waiting for people to look at our house
b)  I just want to focus on our NEW home and what we will do... not what else we have to/should/could do to get our house to sell
c)  NO ONE CAME.  NOT ONE PERSON.  Lots of people grabbing flyers.. lots of people driving real slow past.. NOT ONE PERSON STOPPED.  WHY???!!!???!!!!!???

Brian took me out to Red Lobster for a very late dinner.. where I took out my stress on a pound of crab legs and an ice cold Mai Tai.  I felt much better.

I left for work today thinking "today will be the day.. way more people look on Sunday, right?"

Just texted Brian, and nadda.  Nothing.  Nope.

This blows.  I have now officially become the Annette Benning in 'American Beauty' when she does NOT sell this house today... and she ends up slapping her self, sobbing, saying "stop it!!"

OK.. I haven't gotten to that point.  But here's hoping for a change.. and a buyer.. soon :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cars, Cabins and... WAKE UP!

THAT'S RIGHT!  Another dream post...

**on a random side note, anyone remember on the show "Roundhouse" how they would wiggle their hands and make oogly noises when they switched to a dream sequence sketch??  Did anyone WATCH Roundhouse on Nickolodeon on Friday nights??  Fine.. judge me...**

I had to get to a live shot right away.. and it needed to be along water.. this huge ocean-like lake that for some reason we had to be on the completely other side of.  On this day (in dreamland) my photographer, Justin, was driving his black/dark blue Mustang convertible to our live shot.  I was really disappointed it wasn't the sky blue model.  I was also scared to death because Justin was going to drive right through a flooded road, and I was sure we'd get stuck/die.. or maybe I was just nervous I'd be late to my live shot.

Somehow.. I ended up at an amazing mansion-like cabin, and Brian was there.  Turns out, this cabin was his Uncle Terry's, fully furnished and awesome, but he wasn't living in it. 

 "Brian!!" said I. "Why don't we buy this!!??!!" 
"No... we can't."  Brian said.

The house was amazing.  Big open living room.. awesome kitchen.. great bedrooms with an attached bathroom.. awesome.  It just looked PERFECT and exactly right for us.  There was a pool in the backyard with a waterslide that went underground and ended up subtly in the front.. but not in a tacky kind of way.  Because front yard waterslides are soo tacky.

**another random side note.. anyone remember Top Dog waterslides?? Used to be at 20th and Cornhusker before anything else was there?  No?  Fine.. judge me...**

I'm off to DC!! Ladies, here I come!! Where the wine will be flowing and the dreams, I'm sure, will be PSYCHO....

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sweet Dreams

So, the name of this blog is "The Other BP".. and its point is to write about the adventures of my little family.  However.. my little family hasn't really had any adventures lately.

I got hair extensions.

Brian and his Millard North Mustangs are on a solid winning streak (knock on wood).

Mack ran into a wall... and rolled off the bed... and tripped going up the stairs.

So, I'm considering changing the theme of this blog... to my psycho mind.

You see, I have some WACKED OUT DREAMS.  I know the theories.. that food or alcohol or whatever else pushes your mind to places where odd, bizarre things happen.  Not me.. I AM odd and bizarre and so, therefore, my dreams are usually quite entertaining.  AND I remember them in ridiculous detail.



Last night, I dreamed that my Dad told me he invested in something.... that he'd bought A HAWAIIAN ISLAND for $4.3 billion. (Yes, I remembered the dollar amount.)  So, I asked him if Brian and I could go with a bunch of our friends.  He said no, he didn't want them to trash the place.  So I asked him if we could go wtih just our friends Scott and Megan.  He said 'ok, for $300 for the week'.

Wow!  What a deal!

Flash forward to Hawaii... and suddenly it was my high school girlfriends, and a guy I went to high school with but haven't seen or talked to IN YEARS.. and his brother... but his brother's real name was Old Dominion.. like the College Basketball team.

RANDOM.  At first, we were swimming in a pool at the hotel... which by the way, had a Starbucks in the lobby... and your choice of carryout cup.. but you had to poor the coffe in yourself because you WERE NOT allowed to take your ceramic mug to your room.  While at the pool, I saved someone's kid who fell in and was drowning.

Next thing I know, I was very upset because Pammie, Mel and Jenni wouldn't talk to me or hang out with me.. until I bombarded them at Pammie's Hawaiian apartment.. and told them I felt BETRAYED.. that specific word.  Apparently, Pam was recording the confrontation on video, watched it, and felt horrible about our fight when she saw it on tape.. so the girls came to find me.  I was back in my hotel room and watched, from high up, as Pammie asked MY BOSS, in a crowd of people, where I was.

What the f***?

So then we all hung out in my hotel room.. which wasn't really a room, it was like a giant L shaped living room with a kitchenette...

See what I mean?? Brandi = crazy!!!
I think this new format will be QUITE entertaining :)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

What I Did On My Winter Vacation

1--I sang the National Anthem at the UNO Mavericks Hockey game
ADRENALINE RUSH!!  It's been awhile since I've been that nervous about something.. thankfully it went well!  Good times!

2--Mack and I walked around Walnut Creek Monday night. 
The weather was just too beautiful to NOT workout outside.  I can't find a mileage count for it.. but it took us a little more than an hour... so a few miles?  He was POOPED!  And I felt great :)  The start of my latest workout regime?? Here's hoping...

Major cleaning.  And laundry.

I'm almost done with Volume 1: The Engagement!!  Wow... that sounds REALLY pathetic...

5--Megs and Jen
Time with my ladies!!! SOOOO GREAT!!!  And I CAN'T WAIT to see Pammie Friday night and have more time with my girls!!

6--Home Improvement
New curtains in our bedroom and a new fan.  Our room looks so fancy!

SOOOO now it's back to work.  Story shoot today, meeting tomorrow, emceeing an event Saturday.  But I'm refreshed! I'm ready!  Who knew vacation was not only wonderful.. but needed? :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Eagle Scout

Burn Victim Becomes Eagle Scout

A co-worker with family connections to scouting first told us about Clayton Hildredth. An 18-year-old, badly burned as a toddler. He doesn’t have any toes or fingers, lips or a nose, only one eye and only one ear. He’s conquered every challenge in his path and achieved an honor that less than 5-percent of all boy scouts attain. Still, talk to Clayton on the phone and he sounds like any other teenaged boy.
However, the first time you look at Clayton’s smiling face, it’s easy to be overcome with emotion. Pity. Anger. Sadness. Why should a little boy have to go through life dealing with that??
I shared some of these thougths with my husband the night before my interview with Clayton. He said to me, “he doesn’t want your pity.”
He couldn’t have been more right. And today, Clayton Hildredth has nothing but my respect and admiration.

In the first few minutes of talking to Clayton, it’s clear this kid is something special. We heard about him the week before he was to be honored as an Eagle Scout. Here’s how our first conversation over the phone went:
Voice: “Hello?”

Me: “Hi! Clayton?”

Voice: “Helloooo?”

Me: “Clayton? Clayton!?! Can you hear me?”

Voice: “Are you there?”

Me: (quickly darting my head from side to side, trying to get better reception from my cell, as I basically shouted into the phone) “Clayton? Can you hear me now?!?”
(at this point, Rob and several other coworkers were looking at me with raised eyebrows)
Voice: “Guess you should just leave a message!!” BEEP!
Clayton trick’s worked; the oldest voice mail joke in the book. When Clayton and I talked later that night, the first thing I told him was that I had fallen for the “answering hoax” voice mail.
“Did you like it??” Clayton asked. “My grandma hates it! She said she’s deleting me from her phone!”
Clayton’s character shines from the first moments he meets someone. He stuns you with the spirit in his voice; not an ounce of bitterness. He doesn’t emit any of the anger, the pity, the frustration others may feel when seeing his injuries. And if you get him on the topic of scouts, you better have some time to talk and exhange stories.
Thankfully, KETV chief photojournalist Scott Buer was the other half of our team sharing Clayton’s story. Scott is a former “Scout Dad” and troop leader for years. They exchanged stories about Camp Cedars, about his service project, about his Scout name and why being an Eagle Scout is such a special, life-lasting accomplishment.
Clayton answered every question he was asked about what happened to him, no matter how personal or difficult to talk about. His maturity seemed well beyond his 18 years. But in the moments sitting and watching him talk about scouts with a fellow scout-family member, another aspect of who Clayton is shines through on a completely different level.
At one point, Scott asked him, “how did you handle your day of silence?”

Clayton burst out in exclamations of “Oh! Oh! It was horrible!!”

“All I had to do was give you a dirty look,” replied his Scoutmaster, Kristine Price.

“SHHH!” mimicked Clayton. “That look is horrible. It can kill.”
A few minutes later during a really intense part of our interview, Clayton described how children run away from him because of his injuries. Scott asked him, “is that why you want to be a social worker?”

“To scare kids?” Clayton replied. The whole room burst out laughing.

This kid has such a quick wit; an incredible sense of humor and timing. The more you talk to him, the more you realize he is JUST LIKE ANY OTHER HEARTLAND TEENAGER. An 18-year-old guy who loves video games and “blowing stuff up”, as he puts it. A proud uncle; “she loves me”, he says, describing his young niece, Madison. He talks like any other teenager; “dude”, and “like” pop up throughout conversation.
But this “dude” has faced more than most could even imagine.

Scott said it best: “We talk to a lot of complainers. I’m not hearing any whining at this table.”

True to form, Clayton replied, “I can whine if you want me to.” More laughs, of course.
Would anyone blame Clayton for whining? Probably not. But just like every other challenge he’s taken on, he refuses to let self pity win.
“I just have a very strong belief that if I think I can do it, I can do it.”


On my honor, I will do my best,

to do my duty, to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

One of the last things Clayton told us that day, was that he knows he has a purpose. He just hasn’t found it yet, he said.
Whether he’s aware of it or not, Clayton is changing the way people think about people who are different; from his fellow scouts who now treat him as a buddy regardless of how he looks, to a reporter and photographer who left Clarinda, Iowa that afternoon not feeling pity; but inspiration, awe, and a will to never complain again.
And he’s not stopping. Clayton wants to be a social worker and help other kids, “more than you think” he says, who are burned and hurt. He volunteers with the Shriners, and spent a recent Saturday in Omaha helping out at the Shrine Circus.
His scoutmaster named him “Willfull Spirit” during one of their last trips to camp.
To Clayton “Willful Spirit” Hildredth, congratulations on your incredible achievement, and good luck on what will no doubt be your amazing journey to come.