Monday, November 22, 2010

Now Entering the THIRD TRIMESTER!



Only 12 weeks to go!!  It is absolutely CRAZY to me that we have been pregnant for 7 months.  7 MONTHS, PEOPLE!?!  My pregnancy has been great... except for one thing...

No heartburn.. no vomitting in the first trimester.. my hair looks AWESOME thanks to hormones and pre-natal vitamins.. and I love feeling Easton kicking and punching away.  But about 2+ weeks ago... all of the sudden out of nowhere, my right leg started PULSATING with pain.  Prior to that, it had been numb and tingly for about 3 weeks.. and while it was annoying, it wasn't PAINFUL for the most part.

THIS SUCKS.  It sucks worse than cleaning bathrooms, without gloves, when you live with two younger teenage brothers who don't care about hygiene or clean toilets.  Take that and multiply it times a gagillion.

Drama Queen?  Anyone?  Anyone??

So yeah.. my leg hurts.  ALL THE TIME.. it never stops.  Add to that acute, lighting bolt pangs of pain that seemingly hit right above my kneecap or within my outer quad whenever they feel like it.  I've literally sat up in bed gritting my teeth at night.. I've done laps around the newsplex to keep myself from crying.. I've yelled inside my car to pass the minutes until I was home on my couch with an ice pad.

I've talked to my doctor.
I've been to a chiropractor.
I've been to a massage therapist.
I've tried stretches.
I've tried heat and cold.
I've eaten bananas and drank lots of water.
I've tried extra "hurt no more" vitamins, athletic tape, even a special electromagnetic thing-a-majig device I stuck to my leg at night.


Finally.. I think I've got a diagnosis: MERALGIA PARESTHETICA.  Basically, whereas about 90% of pregos with leg pain suffer from issues with their sciatic nerve in their spine.. my issues are stemming from the femoral nerve in my groin, up front. AND THERE'S NO WAY TO FIX IT, except to pop out a baby :)  That's just where Easton wants to sit.. and God willing, he'll only get bigger, not smaller.

My favorite part.. is that everything I look up about this puts preggos in the same 'common causes' category as 'obesity and/or weight gain.'

Super Duper.

So I've pretty much accepted the fact my new 'condition' will be around until Easton is born.  I'm starting to get a little more used to the pain and I travel with ginormous gel-ice-packs wherever I go.  I'm sure I look super sexy waddle-limping at work.  Guess what--I don't care :)  I'm done with speaking engagements until after I get back from maternity leave, and as long as our relatives have a place for me to sit down over the holidays, I'll just grin my way through it.

Bottom line, I know in 3 short months, this will all be a distant memory.. and SOOO WORTH IT.  And just so I'm sure of that, God's given me two little reminders:  I dreamed about our sweet little baby last night--the first time I woke up and could clearly remember every detail... and my friend Molly's latest blog post talks about even after a MUCH more difficult pregnancy and some trying moments with her adorable little boy, Jack, how much she wants Baby #2.

Awesome :)  But if any of you have advice.. I'd gladly take it :)


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