I'm jumping from thought.. to story.. to feeling.. to wish.. to worry.. back to thought. If you proceed reading this post.. proceed with caution!!
We cut ties with our first realtor, and signed with a new. The same girl Jenni used to sell her house and sold it 'lightning fast'. Day one on the market--2 showings. One is 'very interested'. Keep your fingers crossed for us.. WE WANT THAT HOUSE SOLD!! It's been almost 5 months.. enough!
I have not yet gone maternity shopping, so everyday is a "What To Wear" challenge. This week, I have one pair of pants that still fit--barely--and they are at the cleaners. That leaves me with one maternity skirt Melissa loaned me, and two other skirts that I can hike up high enough that they still fit.. and are long enough I don't look like a hooker. Thank goodness this is a short work week for me, or I'd be in trouble.
We (everyone at KETV) are knee-deep in election coverage right now. I love politics.. but after logging interview.. after interview.. after interview.. my brain is MUSH. EconomyillegalimmigrationsocialsecuritywhyIwantyourvotemwwwwwaaaaahhhhhh.
It's very important for us to produce these stories for our viewers. But I don't have much left in the noggin' at this point.
I just spent 15 minutes arguing with an irate caller, convinced that we had not aired ANYTHING about a man who duct taped his girlfriend's baby to a wall.. and how appalled she was that she had to find out about it on Nancy Grace. News flash--we've shown the photos 8 times just since Saturday (I counted), and we've covered the case consistently from the beginning. She's never seen it.. therefore I'm lying.
I also received my third letter/email from 'fans' in the last week. Today's was from England. Last week's was from a man who told me, "I can't smoke. Do you smoke? You should come visit me." Before that, a facebook photo a viewer 'created', superimposing my picture over the ocean.
I'm making my debut in Canada this week (woohoo!) for my good friends' wedding. Dilemma: what to wear? We've already covered my clothing crisis. Carrie--can I wear Brian's sweat pants to your Niagara Falls wedding?
Why should anything else matter when I have this to look at all day? :) Our little boy will make HIS debut in just four short months!! And WE CAN'T WAIT!!
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